Beautiful Mind, Or Beautiful Mess

Everything works out for they guy in the movie, A Beautiful Mind…..right? Or, maybe I’m thinking of the Jason Mraz song, A Beautiful Mess?

Well, at least after tonight my ideas are a little less of a mess in my head, but more of a mess on my living room floor.

For about the last week I have been writing down any ideas I have had, or others have shared with me, around building out on index cards. I recently realized I want it to be a resource for golf professionals wanting to learn how to use new (social) media platforms to achieve their goals.

Tonight I started laying those ideas out, looking for similar thoughts and grouping them together. The main batch of cards on the left half of the first picture is mostly content ideas while the right side is a collection of anything from random, quotes to ideas to add a page of books I have been reading lately, and even a reminder not to forget to send a post to someone.

I included a coupe examples of cards that could later be turned into a video, an article or even part of a future talk. Are there any ideas you think should be on one of these cards?

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