Finding My Focus

48 hours ago I was pretty sure I was not going to post my most recent podcast episode titled, “Why Golf Professionals Hate Social Media”. After some encouragement I decided I would post it. That ended up being a good decision.

For years, I have been creating content with no real agenda other than to educate myself on new media landscape and then report back to whatever portion of the golf professional community that would listen.

It wasn’t until recently that this journey took on a semi-crystalized, let’s call it sparkly goo, form of an idea.

It happened when I made the connection between being a golf instructor and trying to teach someone how to use new media for business or personal growth. I realized that to make an impact, you have to know what is important to each given golf professional you work with. You have to know the type of facility they work at, the type of pro they are, the ambitions they have personally and professional, and general strengths and talents that they possess.

With this new perspective, I hope to teach. I hope that given my experiences as a PGA Director of Golf, Instructor, Merchandiser and many other roles I have had over my nearly 30 golf professional journey, I am able to communicate the opportunities for golf professionals to use new tools at their disposal without having to learn too many new things and keep focusing being a golf professional.

Just like the game of golf, new media and technology should make our lives easier. So whether you are trying to get that first assistants job out of school, or tying to land that GM spot at a top 100 facility, this is for you.

To stay up to date on the latest, be sure to drop your email into this website for exclusive content, subscribe to my youtube channel and follow me on IG and Snap @PGAjay.

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